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Behavioral  Specialist  Training

For Child and Youth Care Practitioners









Professional skills training for Child and Youth Care Practitioners. Creating positive living and learning environments, by instilling a safe interpersonal relational culture, is a key goal for all direct care professionals. Child and Youth workers have major responsibilities and objectives to achieve every day and a crisis may be the last thing on the agenda. Youth worker support staff play a critical part in successful outcomes. Positive child and youth behavior have high correlation to positive living and learning outcomes.




Why?                                                                                            Uses the developmental-ecological
                                                                                                   strength-based perspectives........

Direct care staff need the resources and skills to maintain a nurturing

and structured living and learning environment. They are the primary

support system for all supervised child and youth programs. When high

levels of ADHD inflict the group environment where do we turn to?

The well-trained Child and Youth Care practitioner. They will respond to

all the crises and demanding situations and need to be well prepared.


Direct care staff plays a critical role in the day-to-day function of day

and residential living programs needing these resources. When one or

two youth may need ninety-nine percent of adult time, it is critical that

their issues/conflicts receive effective interventions. Dealing effectively

with troubled and troubling children and youth is essential. The trouble

these youngsters inflict is not the cause of their problems. How to      ……………. that emphasizes the prevent behavioral crises, and when they do occur, how to safely            interaction between persons.

manage these events so effective crisis resolution and learning is

established is a major part of this training. Meeting the needs of

challenging youth with successful outcomes become the focus.

Universal Strategy:

Most agencies have their unique philosophy and in-house

training strategy. Resolving Conflicts and interpersonal disagreements

for these youngseres aligns with the agency mission and provides

universal intervention strategies based on relationship building and

positive youth development. This is key for creating team building a

staff mindset of intervention consistency. This professional training has

proven itself through accepted universal practices across many diverse settings.



Restorative Practice is Key





















Connecting youth family and community.

Resolving Conflicts.png
Behavioral Resistance
Emotional Dysregulation
Defiant Girl
Defiant Youth
Rejected Youth
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