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Group Counseling Training


A Restorative Practice





Basic group counseling skills training for all those involved with group management, house meetings, counseling groups, therapy groups or other specialized group work. An essential part of the counseling process is to help the youth or family member articulate the feeling or thought – putting it to words. In a group format, trainees will learn the group counseling skills to foster open and expressive communication. Barriers to interpersonal effectiveness covers anxiety and fear, shyness, self-blame, stereotyping and prejudice, as well as the importance of optimism in overcoming potential barriers. Those who are hyperactive, oppositional, or disruptive often attempt to defeat the group dynamic. Training will benefit group leaders, co-leaders and other adult participants at all professional levels. This training will provide trainees much needed skills in using Restorative Practices interventions.  





                          Purpose of the Group                                             Self-Disclosure / Boundaries

                          Kinds of Groups                                                      Stopping Harmful Comments

                          Leadership Styles                                                   Establishing Focus

                         Processing Activities                                               Problem Solving

                         Leadership roles and Boundaries                          Behavior Disorder

                         Stages of Group                                                      Types of Behavioral Therapy

                         Big Picture Planning                                               Dealing with Acting Out

                         Mistakes in Planning                                              Restorative Practices

                         Active Listening/Reflection                                   Closing the Group






Ethics and Moral Reasoning



Effective Treatment Programs for juvenile offenders and anti-social youth need Moral Reasoning training. Moral Reasoning is a developmental situation. Anti-social behavior reflects a delay in moral reasoning and ego-centric bias. The aim of the training  is to remediate that developmental delay.















Connecting with youth, family and community.




Moral Reasoning
Group Counseling
Group Counseling
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