Handle With Care
Behavioral Management Systems

Gene is a Master Trainer for Handle With Care (HWC), which is a safe verbal and physical restraint training program. Utilizing the Solid Object Relationship model and the Tension/Tension Reduction model, HWC is a very effective verbal skills de-escalation program. If physical restraint is necessary, HWC has various safe holding techniques that are easy to learn for both individual and team situations. The program can accommodate a small child or larger youth and can be custom tailored to any type of setting. Handle With Care is the only restraint program with a US patent. See the information below for more information.
Handle With Care Behavior Management System®
Handle With Care (“HWC”) is the life’s work of founder Bruce Chapman. Established in 1984, HWC has revolutionized the science of crisis intervention and physical restraint training through its world renown programming. Our commitment in national policy making allows us to continuously advocate for quality improvement in the areas of best practices, scientific methodologies, transparency and accountability.
Handle With Care training and program is a federally approved vendor and is in full compliance with:
Children’s Healthcare Act of 2000;
Health and Human Services Departmental Appeals Board rulings;
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulations;
Federal case law;
Americans With Disabilities Act;
No Child Left Behind Act;
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, and,
Including various other federal and state laws.
HWC is used by:
Joint Commission, COA, and CARF accredited and Medicare/Medicaid participating facilities
Special education departments
Developmental disabilities
For more information contact: Tel: 845-255-4031
E-mail: info@handlewithcare.com